In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates used the World Economic Forum at Davos to announce a staggering $10 billion commitment to research and develop vaccines for the world’s poorest countries, kicking off what he called a “decade of vaccines.”
Given the mammoth investment in the “Decade of Vaccines,” it should come as no surprise that this was followed with the “decade of plandemics”. The plan to inject everyone on the planet with experimental vaccines is no aberration in Bill Gates’ envisioned “Decade of Vaccines.” It is its culmination.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr shows how the Big Pharma lobby exercises not only dominion over global health policy, but in this decade of plandemics also wields far-reaching influence and unprecedented power to shut down the global economy, abolish civil and constitutional rights, impose police state surveillance and engineer the greatest upward shift of global wealth in human history. In this decade of plandemics, Big Pharma has
invented and weaponized a parade of fraudulently concocted global pandemics
used “gain-of-function” experiments to breed pandemic superbugs
teamed with government technocrats, military and intelligence planners, and health officials from the U.S., Europe and China to stage sophisticated pandemic “simulations” and “Germ Games.” Exercises like these laid the groundwork for imposition of global totalitarianism, including compulsory masking, lockdowns, mass propaganda and censorship, with the ultimate goal of mandating the coercive vaccination of 7 billion humans.
practiced, in each of their “simulations,” psychological warfare techniques to create chaos, stoke fear, shatter economies, destroy public morale and quash individual self-expression — and then impose autocratic governance.
And this “decade of plandemics” with its gene therapy vaccines (and bioweapon warfare) may well mark the pinnacle and zenith of Western medicine. Western medicine — the last of the faustian sciences — dies in the gene therapy vaccines. This marks the gigantic keystone of faustian science. No other science has reached such a powerful finale. Only atomic physics with its finale — the atomic bomb — comes close. But while research and development in nuclear science is relatively controlled and regulated, the bioweapon/vaccine research and development on pandemic superbugs is not properly controlled. Jeffrey Sachs, the chair of The Lancet 's COVID-19 Commission, has commented : “Imagine if this came out of a lab. And we have, by some estimates, about 18 million dead worldwide from this. Well, the implications of that—the ethical, the moral, the geopolitical—everything is enormous… We’ve kind of understood the nuclear risk—even that, of course, is in a lot of ways hidden from view. But this is a clear and present risk. And there’s reason to believe we’re actually in the midst of it, not just hypothetically.”
The characteristics of this decade of plandemics are typical features of the faustian world:
The development of gene therapy vaccines which, by modifying your DNA, mutate and change the human being.
The will to affect humanity, all of humanity.
A morale that claims a general and permanent validity (“one vaccination to heal them all”).
The Big Pharma-defined "a pill for every ill" allopathic model.
The use of authoritian force, control and power (as in the case of mandatory vaccinations, testing and quaratine).
And he who thinks or teaches “otherwise” is sinful, an anti-vaxxer, a promoter of vaccine hesitancy, and he is fought down without mercy. You “shall,” the State “shall,” society “shall” — this form of faustian morale has been self-evident during the Covid pandemic. Already Oswald Spengler observed (in Decline of the West) that “the medical men of the West seek to obtain for their knowledge the force of civil law, as for instance in the matter of mandatory vaccination.”
The gene theraphy vaccines are fundamentally different from “ancient” vaccines (which may have been first developed in either China or India).
To understand how fundamentally different they are, we can compare ancient with modern mathematics.
Let us look at the difference between these two equations:
2¹ + 3¹ = 5¹
x^n + y^n = z^n (unfortunately, substack is not displaying this as nicely as in the other equation)
At first sight, both equations look very similar. They use similar or identical symbols. But they are very different. The first equation is a rigid mathematical computation of defined and tangible numbers. The second equation is a relation of a group of variable entities. The first equation measures a concrete quantity, the second has no result at all but is a representation of a relationship.1
Thus, although to the untrained eye the equations look very similar, fundamentally they are very different.
And this is also the case with vaccines : the old and new vaccines look very similar. However, the gene therapy vaccines are not vaccines in the old sense. They may look similar to the “ancient” vaccines. But they are fundamentally just as different as ancient mathematics is from modern mathematics.
Gene therapy is genetic engineering
The mRNA and viral vector (Covishield) and DNA vaccines are called gene therapy vaccines, because “therapy” sounds innocent and harmless. But they should be called genetic engineering vaccines, because they can result in Virus DNA integration.
Two centuries after the birth of Louis Pasteur, the decade of plandemics will be the culmination and zenith of western medicine.
A medicine that immunizes your body just not just against physical diseases, but against spiritual dis-ease.
And a colonialism that is driven inwards, towards the genome.
Not a long time ago, genetic engineering on humans would have been unthinkable. But now, after the mass vaccination with gene therapy vaccines across the world, where is that taboo?2 Human genetic engineering could indeed be the last, the final achievement of faustian civilization, and the Covid-19 plandemic was needed to remove “moral obstacles”. Indeed, it is hard to think about anything more faustian in character than genetic engineering and human augmentation.
If Virus DNA integration can occur with the current generation of gene based injections is still a matter of debate. But the implications are very serious for humanity. “Germ line modifications”, that is, modifications of female eggs and male sperm, might cause female infertility in the next generation. Whether the necessary studies on this matter will be done (one should remember that funding of medical science is tightly controlled by Big Pharma Dons like Anthony Fauci) is another question.
Virus DNA integration can happen by a process of “reverse transcription”. To effect reverse transcription, enzymes called “reverse transcriptases” are needed. One of them is called LINE-1. The gene based injections causes cells to produce that LINE-1 enzyme. Virus DNA integration happens, in the case of adenoviruses and the Covishield (AstraZeneca) vaccine, when foreign DNA gets into cell nuclei, where it is occasionally incorporated into the human genome. In mice, one in a million injected viruses is integrated into the host DNA - and with the Covishield vaccine, 25 to 50 billion viruses are injected, depending on the dosage.
A pharmacokinetic study from Japan showed that the lipid nanoparticles and mRNA from the Pfizer vaccine did not stay in the shoulder, and in fact concentrated and bioaccumulated in many different organs, including the reproductive organs and adrenal glands, meaning that virus DNA integration can happen in sperm and egg cells and be passed on to all future generations.
Already in late 2020, a whistleblower from Moderna pointed out what the vaccines actually might be doing:
Make mRNA coding for S protein
Make mRNA coding for mutant versions of CYP19A1 and CDKN1B in smaller amounts [Both these mutant proteins are implicated in female infertility issues.]
Make sure that while delivery system for (1) mostly ends up in liver, most of (2) ends up in the gonads
Make sure form and quantity of additive upregulating LINE-1 reverse transcription activity makes it hard to detect among legit adjuvants
Effects from (2) integrated by (4) are recessive; mildly oncogenic effects in vaccine recipients unlikely to be noticed for many years
(5) recessive but since most of population vaccinated, in next generation female offspring have premature ovarian failure
(6) coincides with poor people being obsoleted by AI and robotics, so we didn't have to dig for motivation.
Igor Chudov commented that in his opinion, that specific whistleblowing post “needs to be dissected as deeply as possible and every word of it needs to be checked. So far, whatever we tried to check came up confirmatory and highly disturbing.”
Some other whistleblowers and researchers have warned of DNA integration, such as the viral Spartacus letter (Sep 2021), or the Parrhesia letter (June 2022).
In 2022, an important study, Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line was published.
Dr. Bartlett noted that the study confirmed the long term effects of the gene therapy vaccines:
And then, to actually confirm that it [the foreign vaccine DNA] is expressed – meaning that the spike protein is now being continually expressed from human cells because the lipid nanoparticle has taken up everywhere – that means somatic cells in your organs, but also gametocytes, which are the cells that actually are the sperm and the egg. If they [gametocytes] are carrying it, that indeed means it can be passed to the daughter’s [or son’s] cells in the embryo.“
Igor Chudov said about the study:
What it is saying is: lab studies show that mRNA vaccine DOES integrate itself into human cellular DNA. This means that a shot of Pfizer vaccine, taken even once, permanently changes the DNA of affected cells. Pfizer mRNA vaccine changes our genetic code that determines how our organisms operate, that you inherited from your mom and dad. Now your DNA was changed from what your mom and dad gave you, by adding a little mysterious "edit" from Pfizer. Your organism acts in accordance with your DNA program, and now, well, the program has been hacked and modified by Pfizer.
And Dr. Daniel Nagase in March 2022 warned the Covid-19 Vaccine could end the human race in three or four generations. If the mRNA gets inserted into a non-reading frame of the genome, this will not be noticed until the next generation or generations after that. The silent mutation will be passed on to the children and grandchildren who become silent carriers. When it will be expressed in a child trough recombination and crossover, it would lead to cancer, blood clots and infertility.
Dr Nagase explains:
If she gets an mRNA vaccine, that mRNA if it's using the UBC technology, the UBC lipid nanoparticle technology. Those mRNAs are going to go to the ovaries. And guess what? In the eggs, there's reverse transcriptase. And when there's reverse transcriptase, that spike protein mRNA gets changed into DNA. And when it's changed into the DNA, it can go inside the egg cells and permanently change the DNA for future generations.
If you're lucky that DNA change will happen in a reading frame. And what a reading frame is, it's the part of the DNA that gets transcribed into proteins and that spike protein is so toxic, that any embryo made from that egg will die. That's only a part of the problem. There are things throughout the human genome called non reading frames, there's DNA that stays silent, that is never transcribed into proteins until the next generation. So if that spike protein DNA created from spike protein mRNA, from the Pfizer or Moderna jabs.
If that gets inserted into a non reading frame, that mutation is silent. It is hidden inside the DNA of that egg cell which means an embryo will when that egg cell is fertilized, can grow into a normal embryo, a normal child, a normal adult, except for one thing. There is a hidden spike protein mutation in the DNA that the adult doesn't know about, because it's silent.
And it will only show up when that adult tries to have another child and that DNA goes undergo something called recombination where nature mixes the genes from that adults mother and father to create a new human being and during that mixing process sometimes silent DNA segments get reactivated.
Another paper, “Pre-exposure to mRNA-LNP inhibits adaptive immune responses and alters innate immune fitness in an inheritable fashion”, shows (based on an animal model) that mRNA vaccines re-arrange and subvert the natural innate and adaptive immune systems, and raise the potential of the subversion to be passed on to off-spring.
The question about DNA integration is still somewhat speculative, unlike the many other well documented side-effects of the Covid vaccines (like heart problems, blood clots and cancer).
All gene therapy vaccines (mRNA, viral vector (Covishield) and the DNA vaccine made by Zydus Cadila called ZyCoV-D) could theoretically result in Virus DNA integration. And studies have shown that the lipid nanoparticle formulations all accumulated in the ovaries and the spleen. The possible result is that female offspring of vaccinated people, would be prone to “Premature Ovarian Failure” and thus would not be able to reproduce. Another possible result is that offspring of vaccinated people will carry hereditary genetic disorders.
The Final Revolution
In ancient (apollonian) medicine, the physician served the patient, in western (faustian) medicine, he overcomes him, overcomes even humanity. Humans are now hackable animals.
Or in the words of Klaus Schwab
And you see, the difference of the fourth industrial revolution is, it doesn't change what you are doing, it changes you. If you take genetic editing just as an example, it's you who are changed. And, of course, this has a big impact on your identity. What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.
Aldous Huxley wrote that there will be a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, and there will be a brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.
Rudolf Steiner even noted the role of vaccinations:
The whole trend goes in a direction where a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination towards spiritual ideas to develop ... People will be inoculated against the inclination to entertain spiritual ideas. .... I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are very young. … In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a 'healthy point of view', there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit....
And this seems to be the final revolution.
For this example, see op.cit.
As Bayer's Stephan Oelrich said: Making use of the current momentum to tackle issues beyond COVID-19. We've seen the vaccines as the perfect example during this crisis, but innovations in the field of biotech also radically upend our view on many other diseases, especially NCDs [noncommunicable diseases]… Ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell or gene therapy. I always like to say, if we had surveyed two years ago in the public, 'Would you be willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?' we would've probably had a 95 percent refusal rate. I think this pandemic is also opened many people's eyes to innovation in the way that was maybe not possible before.